Restriction:The presence on the web is a part of Worldwide Webs line connected to other Websites which are independent of my site and can constantly change their content, they are not concerned with the validity of this area of responsibility. We ensure that the links contained within this site are in accordance with the law on computer and freedom.
Stephan J. Thönessen
Birkenstraße 27
D-41466 Neuss
Fon +49 (0) 2131 1333 175
Copyright and use:
Any reproduction, full or partial conversion, distribution the content of website is prohibited. The photographs and illustrations are the property of the artist.
Personal data are published if they can not be after your consent and authorization. You have the right to access and modify personal information you provided in accordance with the law on computer and freedom. If you want to exercise this right, please contact me at the address indicated above
Limitation of Liability:
The content of these web pages have been subject to scrutiny, however, I can not guarantee that the information they proposed are complete, current qualitative and fair. I am not liable for injuries resulting from the incorporation and use of the contents of this website.
Protection of reputation:
In case you think this website infringe your privacy to your reputation and your rights, please let me know specifically to the address indicated above to remedy the situation.